
TOP10 Best Startup Ideas for Teens

YIEC 马太财商 2022-05-03

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Launching your own startup as a teen can be a challenging and rewarding experience that’ll support your career goals as you inch closer to adulthood. But, the tasks of school, hobbies, and a social life make it critical to choose a startup idea that offers a flexible schedule, requires minimal experience, and has low initial startup costs, even 0 cost.

Those teens succeed in teen startup:

This guide highlights the best startup ideas for teen entrepreneurs that meet all three of those criteria. But, before you can launch your teen business, you’ll need to learn something about it, YIEC provides a golden opportunity for you to sharpen your startup ideas.

1. Vlogging

If you love sharing your interests, thoughts, and ideas with others,  you can make creative video and publish it on vlog platforms, Vlogs can focus on a variety of topics, including your own life or experiences. The goal of a blog is to convey information about a subject to interested readers in an engaging way. 

The most popular Vlog platforms include Tiktok, Wechat Video, Kuaishou, Instagram and so on. To get started, you’ll need basic video editing skills which is actually very easy for you to learn, you can master it within few hours. You also should consider including photography or other visuals on your account. When choosing your blog’s topic, be true to yourself and your interests or experiences. The most successful blogs have a genuine and authentic thoughts, allowing the authors to truly connect with their audience and build a stronger following.

2. Social Media Influencer

A successful social media influencer almost always understands how to create and effectively market a brand. If you think you’re up to the challenge, this can make a lucrative and exciting startup idea.

Influencers earn money through brand deals. Because every industry has influencers, you’re more likely to generate a large viewership and build a strong brand if you focus on a specific industry or niche for which you have a passion. In addition, you’ll need to feel comfortable with public speaking and connecting with your audience in order to attract brands that want to work with you.

Recommended: 国际青少年创新创业大赛 Youth Innovation&Entrepreneurship Contest(YIEC) 

3. Podcasting

As the popularity of podcasts continues to grow, it’s an ideal time to start a podcast of your own. The most successful podcasts feature engaging hosts and a specific topic that can attract interested listeners. You also must feel comfortable with interviewing and public speaking before you start a podcast.

Moreover, it’s best to choose a topic for which you have a passion and can see yourself dedicating a good amount of time to researching. For example, if you’re passionate about sustainability, your podcast could focus on interviewing other entrepreneurs who currently work to fight climate change. But just be mindful of IP rights credits.

4. Creative Products Entrepreneur

Are you a young crafter or artist? If yes, you could sell your creations by becoming a creative products entrepreneur. By selling on some shops, you can ask for help from your parents, you can benefit from its built-in ecommerce platform and instant brand exposure that enables people searching for similar products to easily find your shop.

Consider offering customization on products for customers, if possible, and invest in attractive packaging.

5. Online Marketing

Gen-Z is a very important market for lots of consumer goods companies, sometimes they have no idea what the Gen-Z demand. You are Gen-Z and you can build a group of teens to provide marketing services for those companies, it can be market research, survey or promotion of products.

6. Tutoring

Use what you learned to help other students by starting your own tutoring business. Any subject in which you’re proficient — like math, English, or science — can provide a potential tutoring opportunity.

Tutoring businesses can charge by the session or the hour. You can easily market this type of business within your school, at the public library, or in community centers — wherever other teens and their parents spend time.

Recommended: Startup Ideas for Education Entrepreneurs!

7. Photography

Photography isn’t just a fun hobby, it also can make a business. If you have  good photo skills and have access to camera equipment and some photography experience, you can pursue this a low-cost startup idea at any age.

Depending on the type of photography you do, you can approach this business in different ways. For example, you could work as a photographer for hire who takes senior portraits, engagement photos, and images of other life events. Alternatively, you can sell prints of your work online or in local shops.

8. Freelance Writing

If you’re a skilled or talented writer, freelance writing might provide a great way for you to make money without punching a clock. Freelance writers of all kinds are in demand by businesses and publications looking for temporary employees to write blog posts, articles, and other content.

One of the biggest benefits of freelance writing at a younger age is that you’ll gain experience that can help you later on as you establish a career.  You can write for some Wechat platform, you can even write for us, Mathlevi Education platform.

9. Graphic Design

Many businesses and organizations need graphic designers to create visual branding for use on everything from signage to marketing materials. Because graphic design is a fairly broad industry, having a multifaceted skill set can prove extremely beneficial. For example, proficiency in logo design as well as typography or web design can help you book more clients and build your portfolio.

10. Game or App Development

App or Game development represents another great startup idea for tech-savvy teens. Bill Gates and Elon Musk and many other successful entrepreneurs started developing software in their adolescent age.

You need to have coding skills and APP development experience. If you don’t currently have an app idea, don’t worry. Start brainstorming ideas by conducting an audit of daily tasks or problems an app could simplify or solve. Many of the most popular apps solve a common problem, making them more likely to have widespread appeal.

Join YIEC and start your entrepreneurship jouney:

Light Your Inspiration


Inspiration of Innovative Startup Ideas


Teamwork Collaboration Online and Offline


Learn how to create value with Business Model


Fulfill your entrepreneurial dream 



名额有限,抓住机会!Join YIEC Now!


Introduction 大赛简介

FutureStarUp Youth Innovation & Entrepreneurship Contest is a competetion for teens, organized by Mathlevi Financial Education. It aims to nurture the innovative and entrepreneurial capabilities of global teenagers, while also encourage them to make impact in their early age.  We invite Global teenagers to participate. It will be a great opportunity for them to practice business skills and meet brilliant peers from all over the world. Moreover, they can win bonus and certificate which will help them in the future success.


Here is the video of last YIEC2021



1,Prize 奖金及证书

1st place: $ 1,000 USD

Certificate + Recommendation letter

2nd place  Team: $ 500 USD

Certificate + Recommendation letter

3rd place  Team: $ 300 USD

Certificate + Recommendation letter

Prize of Innovation Practice: $ 500 USD

Certificate + Recommendation letter

第一名   团队:1000美元奖金


第二名   团队:500美元奖金


第三名   团队:300美元奖金


创新实践奖: 500美元奖金


* The certificate will be authorized by the Embassy of Israel

Recommendation letter from the reputatble judges

* 证书由以色列驻华大使馆颁发

* 推荐信由知名企业家或投资人评委提供

2,Meet Peers from the world 结交国际未来之星

The participants are from different countries. They can befriend with each other and learn about different innovative ideas.


3, Practice Business Skills 实践财商与创业思维

In the contest, they will largely use and practice their Financial Thought  and business acumen, which is essential to their future sucess.



Agenda 大赛流程

Before April 30: Registration

  • May 01:  Program Introduction and Courses

Course: Making Business Plan and Startup

May 5-15:   Submitting business plan and 1 min team video

We will provide mentoring during May 1-15

  • May 22:   Roadshow and Competition

  • May 29:   Conclusion and Awarding Ceremony

Scan and Register扫码报名


  • 4 月 30 日前:注册报名

  • 5 月 1 日:在线介绍及课程


5 月 5 日至 15 日:提交商业计划书及 1 分钟团队介绍视频

  • 5月22日:项目展示比赛路演

  • 5月29日:大赛总结与颁奖典礼


All events are held on Zoom , all time participants need to spend on Zoom meetings will be less than 2 hours, all teams need to do the 5 minutes pitch on the online roadshow, they can watch recorded video if they have to miss the other two Zoom meetings. 


Mentors, Judges and Partners 


Judges 评委

Partners 合作伙伴


欢迎更多合作伙伴加入,请发邮件到 YIEC@mathlevi.com

Notice 报名须知

Areas of Startup idea: Life Science, Transportation, Environmental protection, Education, Social Enterprise and Smart City, etc.

Basically no  specific industry limitation, as long as it can be commercially feasible with social impact.




12~18 year-old, 2~7 members per team

 (At least 1 participant is in the age range if the others are under 12 year-old, no one should be older than 18). 



Registration fee:

65USD/200NIS/400RMB per person


Contact 联系方式: 

+86 15821001899 Mathew Levi 小马



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