
新加坡 SAG Holdings 顺益集团,拟美国纳斯达克IPO上市

Ben少 新加坡生活 2024-02-17

来自新加坡的汽车和工业零部件分销商SAG Holdings Ltd(以下简称SAG Holdings或顺益),于10月7日在美国证监会(SEC)公开披露招股书,拟美国纳斯达克挂牌上市,股票代码为SAG


SAG Holdings拟发行375万股(包括老股东出售老股62.5万股),每股发行价格未定,预期募资最多1500万美元。


SAG Holdings,作为一家汽车零部件分销商,创立于1975年,总部位于新加坡,全职雇员116人,主要从事汽车和工业零部件的分销业务,业务主要位于新加坡,全球销售主要来自中东和马来西亚业务。

SAG Holdings的主要服务,包括汽车行业的公路业务、非公路业务。公司在为公路汽车应用提供原厂备件和售后备件方面拥有 40 多年的经验,主要为乘用车和商用车提供范围广泛的原装和售后零件。非公路业务,包括海洋、能源、采矿、建筑、农业以及石油和天然气行业的工业零部件等。


招股书显示,SAG Holdings及其子公司主要包括:

SAGI, Filtec, SP Zone, Autozone (S), and Autozone (M)

SAGI - SAG Investments Limited

SAGI is a company incorporated in the BVI, which is the parent entity of Filtec and SP Zone.

Filtec - Filtec Private Limited (formerly known as TQ Services Pte Ltd)

Filtec, a Singapore company wholly-owned by SAGI, mainly supplies a wide range of components and spare-parts for internal combustion engines with strong focus on filtration products. The sectors served include marine, energy, mining, construction, agriculture, agriculture, and oil and gas industries. Our products are sourced from genuine OEM and global premium brands to suit the diverse needs of our customers.

SP Zone - Spare-Parts Zone Pte. Ltd. (formerly known as Soon Aik Auto Parts Trading Co. Pte Ltd)

SP Zone, a Singapore company wholly-owned by SAGI, which has taken over the retail business in Singapore from Autozone (S) and mainly supplies genuine OEM and aftermarket spare parts to customers through the Autozone (S) retail outlets located in Singapore and the distribution company in Malaysia. Our eight Autozone (S) retail outlets are conveniently located in vicinity of major automotive hubs in Singapore.

We supply a wide range of automotive genuine and aftermarket spare parts for use in passenger and commercial on-highway vehicles. The automotive genuine and aftermarket spare parts supplied by us bear either the manufacturer’s brands or our in-house brands.

Autozone (S)- Autozone Automotive Pte. Ltd.

Autozone (S), is a Singapore company and wholly-owned subsidiary of SP Zone. The retail business of Autozone (S) has been taken over by SP Zone. As such, our retail On Highway Business in Singapore is conducted through SP Zone under the trademark “Autozone.”

Autozone (M) - Autozone Sdn. Bhd

Autozone (M), a Malaysian company and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Autozone (S), is a modern automotive spare parts distribution company with a wide selection of automotive spare parts and lubricants catering to the needs of our customers. Autozone (M) also distributes its own in-house brand products under the brand names of REV-1, VETTO, NUTEQ, GENTEQ and SUNBLADE.


招股书显示,SAG Holdings在上市前的股东架构中,其主要股东包括:

Soon Aik Global Pte. Ltd.,持有95.1%;

Celestial Horizon Holdings Limited,持有4.9%。

Soon Aik Global Pte. Ltd.则由CE Neo(Mr. Chee Eng Neo)、Jimmy Neo(Mr. Chin Heng Neo or CH Neo)、Edward Neo(Mr. Chin Aik Neo or CA Neo)、CK Neo(Mr. Ching Kiat Neo)等四兄弟持有,他们各自持有25%。


招股书显示,在过去的2020年、2021年两个财政年度,SAG Holdings的收入分别为4,893.82万、4,322.06万美元,相应的净利润分别为97.16万、137.17万美元。


SAG Holdings是次IPO的的中介团队主要有:SPARTAN CAPITAL SECURITIES, LLC为其承销商;Audit Alliance LLP为其审计师; Loo & PartnersConyers Dill & Pearman分别为其公司新加坡律师、公司开曼群岛律师。





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新加坡 SAG Holdings 顺益集团,拟美国纳斯达克IPO上市


