
Teachers' Remarks III|Valentin Lanzrein:珍惜并智慧地利用你的时间

CUHKSZMUS 香港中文大学深圳音乐学院 2024-03-15


本期访谈我们邀请到了我院歌剧与声乐学部副教授Valentin Lanzrein,让我们听听Lanzrein教授的“师说心语”吧!

For the "Teachers' Remarks III" interview series, we invited faculty members from various divisions of the School of Music, CUHK-Shenzhen. These are individuals with outstanding achievements and rich experiences in the music field, who not only engage in performance and guidance as their professional work but also serve as role models for students through their personal charm and musical talent. In the "Teachers' Remarks III" interview series, students will take on the role of interviewers, engaging in in-depth conversations with our faculties. Through their heartfelt words and wisdom, we hope to provide more enlightenment and guidance to the students, helping them navigate the vast ocean of music to find their own direction and goals.

In this issue, we invited Valentin Lanzrein, Associate Professor of Opera & Voice at the School of Music, CUHK-Shenzhen. Let's listen to Prof. Lanzrein's "remarks"!

Valentin Lanzrein 教授  Prof. Valentin Lanzrein


Use your time wisely this is your time to ask questions and it is your time to find answers.

— Valentin Lanzrein


Are you hesitating, simply watching other students crowd around the teacher to ask questions? Are you avoiding discussions with your teachers, worried your questions might be too simple or that they won't grasp what you mean? The university is a harbor that encourages self-expression and embraces diversity. Let us cast aside our shyness and fear, forgoing unnecessary pretense. All it takes is courage to step forward and raise the questions! Daring to ask questions reflects the curiosity, eagerness to learn, and intellectual engagement. It's through questioning that we gain a deeper understanding of the essence of knowledge. Learning is, at its core, a continuous journey of seeking answers and solving problems. Cherish your time at university—ask questions, seek answers, and venture into the vast ocean of knowledge.

本期“师说心语III”专栏访谈,让我们听听Valentin Lanzrein教授如何看待“初入校园,青年人应当如何启航青春洋溢的大学时光,又将具有怎样的责任与担当?”对于“如何做好职业规划”提出了怎样的建议,并带领我们探寻“一个成功的声乐学生最重要的品质是什么”、“如何培养学生的创造力和表现力”、“如何平衡市场需求和个人艺术信仰”、“目前对年轻歌手的教育不足的改进之处”这些有趣的问题!一起来期待吧!

In this issue of "Teacher's Remarks III", let's hear from Professor Valentin Lanzrein and see what views he has on "Upon entering the campus, how should young people set sail on their vibrant university life, and what kind of responsibilities and roles will they carry?" and "How to effectively plan one's career?" Furthermore, he guides us through an exploration of a series of interesting questions such as "What is the most important quality for a successful vocal music student? How to cultivate students' creativity and expressiveness? How to balance market demands with personal artistic beliefs? and What are the improvements needed in the current education of young singers?" Let's look forward to it!


Valentin Lanzrein


Associate Professor

of Opera & Voice


Valentin Lanzrein,男中音,现任香港中文大学(深圳)音乐学院副教授。他是一位积极的表演者、富有激情的声乐教育家和特立独行的学者。他所表演的曲目涵盖了九种语言以及从文艺复兴起至21世纪的所有古典风格。作为一名声乐教育家,他拥有超过15年的教学经验,所专长的课程包括声乐课、声乐发声训练、声乐教学法、声乐曲目研究及歌剧讲习。他是国际上备受瞩目的大赛评委和大师班导师,亦是牛津大学出版社的作者。

Lanzrein曾两度获得由瑞士音乐家协会颁发的著名的基弗-哈布利策尔音乐奖, 并在此后于欧洲、亚洲各国以及美国进行巡回演出。他怀揣着对艺术歌曲的热情于莱茵高音乐节(德国)、Aimez Vous Brahms音乐节(瑞士)、Verbier音乐节(瑞士)以及纽约林肯中心 Alice Tully 音乐厅的Wednesday at One系列音乐会频频亮相。

Lanzrein最近的演出包括作为男中音独唱与新加坡国立大学交响乐团和合唱团合作的贝多芬第九交响曲,作为独唱者与印第安纳波利斯交响合唱团和印第安纳波利斯室内乐团合作的巴赫的《Magnificat》、与 Ciompi 四重奏合作的《Barber’s Dover Beach》以及与三角区室内乐团(Chamber Orchestra of the Triangle)合作的斯特拉文斯基的《Pulcinella 》,并在教堂山纪念大厅出演库尔特-威尔《Mahagonny Songspiel》中的 Bobby。他还在里程碑音乐节晚会上以独唱者的身份出现在斯蒂芬-贾菲的《Songs of Turning》中,并以独唱者的身份与卡罗莱纳州合唱团合作,在巴赫的 B 小调弥撒曲和勃拉姆斯的德国安魂曲中奉献了精彩的演出。他在上海交响乐团音乐厅的季节性音乐会系列中,与天津茱莉亚学院的教员们一起演出了勃拉姆斯的《Liebeslieder Walzer》。

Lanzrein目前在天津茱莉亚学院担任客座教师。此外,他还是iSING!苏州国际青年艺术家节的声乐教师。此前,他曾在德保大学音乐学院(美国)和北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校(美国)职教。他定期担任德国Sulzbach-Rosenberg国际音乐节的艺术教员,还曾在全国歌唱教师协会、美国古典歌手声乐比赛和香港学校音乐比赛中担任评委。Lanzrein是《歌手德语发音指南》(The Singer’s Guide to German Diction) 的作者,该书由牛津大学出版社出版,被誉为“过去二十年来出现的最重要的声乐发声训练作品”。

Lanzrein拥有伯尔尼艺术学院(瑞士)的学位,Oberlin学院的艺术家文凭,纽约茱莉亚音乐学院(美国)的学士及硕士学位,以及纽约州立大学石溪分校(美国) 的音乐艺术博士学位。他曾与Brigitte Fassbaender、Peter Schreier、Warren Jones、Richard Miller、W. Stephen Smith和Elisabeth Glauser一同参加国际大师班进行学习。

Valentin Lanzrein, a baritone, serving as Associate Professor at the School of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, is an active performer, an ardent voice pedagogue, and a distinctive scholar.

His broad repertoire covers nine languages and all the classical styles ranging from the Renaissance to the 21st century. With more than fifteen years of experience as a vocal pedagogue, his expertise includes voice lessons, lyric diction, vocal pedagogy, solo vocal literature, and opera workshops. He is internationally sought after as a competition adjudicator and masterclass clinician, and he is an author with Oxford University Press.

Lanzrein is the two-time recipient of the prestigious Kiefer Hablitzel Prize in Music awarded by the Association of Swiss Musicians (Switzerland) and has since toured Europe, Asia, and the U.S.A. His passion for the art song has led him to appearances at the Rheingau Musikfestival (Germany), the Aimez Vous Brahms Festival (Switzerland), the Verbier Festival (Switzerland), the Wednesday at One series at Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall in New York.

Recent appearances include the baritone solo in Beethoven's 9th Symphony, with the NUS Symphony and Choir in Singapore, Bach's Magnificat as soloist with the Indianapolis Symphonic Choir and the Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra, the collaboration with the Ciompi Quartet in Barber's Dover Beach, Stravinsky's Pulcinella as soloist with the Chamber Orchestra of the Triangle and Bobby in Kurt Weill's Mahagonny Songspiel at Memorial Hall, Chapel Hill. There he also appeared in the Milestones Festival Gala concert as a soloist in Stephen Jaffe's Songs of Turning and as a soloist with the Carolina Choir in Bach's Mass in B Minor and Brahms' A German Requiem. Most recently he performed Brahms' Liebeslieder Walzer with Faculty members of the Tianjin Juilliard School in the Seasonal Concert Series of the Shanghai Symphony Hall.

Lanzrein is a member of the Visiting Faculty at the Tianjin Juilliard School. He also serves on the voice faculty at the iSING! Suzhou, International Young Artist Festival. Previously, he has taught at the DePauw University School of Music (U.S.A.) and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (U.S.A.). He is regularly on the artist faculty of the Sulzbach-Rosenberg International Music Festival in Germany. As an adjudicator, he has served at events of the National Association of Teachers of Singing, the Classical Singers Vocal Competition in the U.S.A., and the Hong Kong Schools Music Competition in Hong Kong. Lanzrein is an author of The Singer's Guide to German Diction, published by Oxford University Press, and hailed, "the most important work on lyric diction that has emerged in the last twenty years."

Lanzrein holds degrees from the Hochschule der Künste Bern (Switzerland), an Artist Diploma from Oberlin College, bachelor's and master's degrees from the Juilliard School, New York (U.S.A.), and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from State University of New York in Stony Brook (U.S.A.). He has studied and participated in international master classes with Brigitte Fassbaender, Peter Schreier, Warren Jones, Richard Miller, W. Stephen Smith, and Elisabeth Glauser.






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