

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-03


1. 如果你有共同兴趣的(见下),欢迎一起读(当然如果你作了summary,我很可能就懒得再自己读了。。让彼此省力=懒,好事~)。。。

2. 欢迎来投稿,公众号留言我。

3. 为什么贴这篇,搞这么档子事?【见页底,不占版头了】



1. Azarian,Reza. 2017. “Joint Actions, Stories and Symbolic Structures: A Contribution to Herbert Blumer’s Conceptual Framework.” Sociology51 (3): 685–700.

——Azarian这篇文章让我眼前一亮,因为他用的是joint action概念,也是我目前要处理的,虽然在不同的脉络下。另记得Webersocial relation(ship?)也曾在早期使用为joint(ly?)action,待考。【前天读了一下,感觉有点失望。】

2. Kaesler,Dirk. 2017. “Max Weber Never Was Mainstream, - but Who Made Him a Classic ofSociology?” Serendipities 1 (2): 121.

——Serendipities是新刊物,感觉像仍在邀稿状态,请了好些大佬来发。作者是德国人。无疑,题目就够吸收了,认为理解社会学从不是社会学主流——不管是韦伯在世还是后来,那么帕森斯等后来人是怎么把他树成Holy Trinity的呢?


3. Stevenson,Nick. 2017. “E. P. Thompson and Cultural Sociology: Questions of Poetics,Capitalism and the Commons.” Cultural Sociology 11 (1): 11–27.

——作者观点是:Thompson’s contribution to cultural sociologyis to offer a more complex language of resistance and transformation thanexists within other less class-based traditions of sociology.

4. Müller-Doohm,Stefan. 2017. “Member of a School or Exponent of a Paradigm? Jürgen Habermas and Critical Theory.” European Journal of Social Theory 20 (2): 252–74.

——这标题TMD挑战了吧。作者简介写:Stefan Müller-Doohm studied in Frankfurt under Theodor W. Adornoand Max Horkheimer。看来是第二代相争——他认为哈贝马斯根本不是他两位老师的第二代,而是另起炉灶了。(吃瓜群众ing

5. Eich,Stefan, and Adam Tooze. 2017. “The Allure of Dark Times: Max Weber, Politics, and the Crisis of Historicism.” History and Theory 56 (2): 197–215.

6. Mizruchi,Mark S. 2017. “The Power Elite in Historical Context: A Reevaluation of Mills’s Thesis, Then and Now.” Theory and Society, April, 1–22.




7. Joyce,Patrick, and Chandra Mukerji. 2017. “The State of Things: State History andTheory Reconfigured.” Theory and Society 46 (1): 1–19.


8. Strand, Michael, and Omar Lizardo. 2017. “The Hysteresis Effect: Theorizing Mismatch in Action.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour47 (2): 164–94.


9. Raymond,Chase Wesley, and Anne Elizabeth Clark White. 2017. “Time Reference in the Service of Social Action.” Social Psychology Quarterly 80 (2): 109–31.


10. Nico,Magda, and Ana Caetano. 2017. “Untying Conceptual Knots: The Analytical Limits of the Concepts of De-Standardisation and Reflexivity.” Sociology 51 (3): 666–84.


11. Lizardo,Omar. 2017. “Improving Cultural Analysis: Considering Personal Culture in ItsDeclarative and Nondeclarative Modes.” AmericanSociological Review 82 (1): 88–115.


12. Steinmetz, George. 2017. “Field Theory andInterdisciplinarity: History and Sociology in Germany and France during theTwentieth Century.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 59 (2):477–514.





13.Agger, Ben,and Beth Anne Shelton. 2017. “Time, Motion, Discipline: The Authoritarian Syllabus on American College Campuses.” Critical Sociology 43 (3):355–69.




14. Horák, Vít.2017. “Public Sociology and Hermeneutics.” Critical Sociology 43 (2):309–25.

——好奇作者要怎样实现BurawoyGadamer的对话,来连接professional and public sociology

15. Jansen,Till. 2017. “Beyond ANT: Towards an ‘infra-Language’ of Reflexivity.” EuropeanJournal of Social Theory 20 (2): 199–215.

——视角吸收我,什么intra-language ANT都被他批评太同质化处理方法了。作者简介写:Currently he aims at combining insights ofActor-Network-Theory, Systems Theory and Idealism.有野心~不是社会学系的,又是北欧的学者。

16. Croce,Mariano, and Andrea Salvatore. 2017. “Normality as Social Semantics. Schmitt,Bourdieu and the Politics of the Normal.” European Journal of Social Theory20 (2): 275–91.


17. Sanghera,Balihar. 2017. “Charitable Giving and Reflexive Individuals: How PersonalReflexivity Mediates between Structure and Agency.” Social ScienceInformation 56 (1): 28–48.


18. Schmitz,Andreas, Daniel Witte, and Vincent Gengnagel. 2017. “Pluralizing Field Analysis: Toward a Relational Understanding of the Field of Power.”Social Science Information 56 (1): 49–73.

19. Krause,Monika. 2017. “How Fields Vary.The British Journal of Sociology,Online First.


20. Turner,Jonathan H., and Seth Abrutyn. 2017. “Returning the ‘Social’ to Evolutionary Sociology: Reconsidering Spencer, Durkheim, andMarx’s Models of ‘Natural’ Selection.” Sociological Perspectives 60 (3):529–56.


21. McDonnell,Terence E., Christopher A. Bail, and Iddo Tavory. 2017. “A Theory of Resonance.” Sociological Theory 35 (1): 1–14.

——Follow Iddo Tavory新作。



22. Vandenberghe,Frédéric. 2017. “Sociology as Practical Philosophy andMoral Science.” Theory, Culture& Society, May. Online First.

——FrédéricVandenberghe is an important contributor to the philosophy of critical realism。另外,留意到这篇,是因为它似乎很像目前国内的社会学理论主流方向,moral science。很奇怪为什么我们不去和他们对话。BJS去年还有篇也类似。

23. Arjomand,Saïd Amir. 2017. “The Rise of Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Sciences andHumanities and the Challenge of Comparative Sociology.” European Journal of Social Theory 20 (2): 292–306.


24.Dorzweiler,Nick. 2017. “Popular Culture in (and out of) American Political Science: A Concise Critical History, 1858–1950.” History of the Human Sciences 30 (1):138–59.


25. Turner,Bryan S. 2017. “The Rise and Fall of American Sociology?” Journal of Classical Sociology, February, Online First.

——B. TurnerStephen Turner的书《美国社会学:从前学科到后常态》,正好最近叶启政(和S.T是校友?)也出了讲美国社会学的上下篇论文,对照。



26. Qi,Xiaoying. 2017. “Social Movements in China: Augmenting Mainstream Theory with Guanxi.” Sociology 51 (1): 111–26.




27. McDonnell,Erin Metz. 2017. “Patchwork Leviathan: How Pockets of Bureaucratic Governance Flourish within Institutionally Diverse Developing States.” American Sociological Review 82 (3): 476–510.


28. Anievas, Alexander, and Kerem Nişancioğlu.2017. “How Did the West Usurp the Rest? Origins of the Great Divergence overthe Longue Durée” Comparative Studies in Society and History 59 (1): 34–67.


29. Fillafer,Franz L. 2017. “A World Connecting? From the Unity of History to GlobalHistory.” History and Theory 56 (1): 3–37.


30. Kumar,Krishan. 2017. “The Time of Empire: Temporality and Genealogy in theDevelopment of European Empires.” Thesis Eleven 139 (1): 113–28.




31. Rutzou,Timothy. 2017. “Finding Bhaskar in All the Wrong Places? Causation, Process,and Structure in Bhaskar and Deleuze.” Journalfor the Theory of Social Behaviour, January.



——【9名学者联名】什么是批判实在论(Critical Realism)【刘忠魏译】?


——悼念 Roy Bhaskar(1944-2014)【万毓泽翻译】

32. Lohse, Simon.2017. “Pragmatism, Ontology, and Philosophy of the Social Sciences in Practice.” Philosophy of the SocialSciences 47 (1): 3–27.

——很标准化的一种路数,但期待有没有新见——分成 ontological foundationalism andanti-ontological pragmatism,但摘要里没写出自己的立场是什么。

33. Decoteau,Claire Laurier. 2017. “The AART of Ethnography: A Critical Realist Explanatory Research Model.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 47 (1):58–82.

——是将批判实在论运用到民族志之中。以前翻过一次online first,好像没感觉很刺激。终于正式刊出来了,再看看。



34. Clark,Nigel, and Kathryn Yusoff. 2017. “Geosocial Formations and the Anthropocene.” Theory,Culture & Society 34 (2–3): 3–23.



35. Cossu,Andrea. 2017. “Signs, Webs, and Memories: Umberto Eco as a (Social) Theorist.Thesis Eleven 140 (1): 74–89.

——最近开始关注到意大利社会学的发展。这位作者便是。作者简介中居然写出过一本书:It Ain’t Me Babe: Bob Dylan and the Performanceof Authenticity (Paradigm,2012/Routledge, 2015).~~

36. Sharma,Pallavi, and Archana Barua. 2017. “Analysing Gaze in Terms of Subjective andObjective Interpretation: Sartre and Lacan.” HumanStudies 40 (1): 61–75.

37. Cooper,Andrew. 2017. “Beyond Heidegger: From Ontology to Action.” ThesisEleven 140 (1): 90–105.


38. Nasu,Hisashi. 2017. “Lester E. Embree (January 9, 1938–January 19, 2017).” HumanStudies 40 (1): 1–6.












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图片来源:Exeter大学社会学者Lybeck的project《The Academic Self: Changes in University Expectations since 1800》页面,点击阅读原文直达。

